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to Brock Casting Diaries


Writer's picture: LB CreativeLB Creative

Updated: Feb 22, 2022

So, you want to be an Actor - How do they pick the actors for a show?

This is known as the Casting Process.

A lot of people wonder how does a show cast the actors. Even starting out actors need to understand this process.

Casting can make or break a show. Yep. If you have a not so great actor in a lead role of a show and the supporting cast isn’t up to the task either. Well, it’s all over red rover, and couple that with, not so great writing and you can guarantee that show won’t last long.

This is why good to great actors become a commodity within the business, they put bums on seats in movie theatres and make, you and I, subscribe to streaming networks so we can watch them.

Personally, I also watch shows because of who the Creator, Writer-Producer-Director is. Do you?

But that is for another blog post.

A show is created.

A network studio has now funded it. Aka (Greenlit)

We now need to find the actors.

The Director - Creator - Producer or Studio, depends on the relationship, hire a Casting Director.

The Casting Director receives the script and a character breakdown of what the Creator | Producer are looking for.

They may already know who they want as the lead role, so the casting director will ring their agent to see if they are open to the concept and would they read the script and are they even available?

Then the casting director submits the roles to Theatrical Agents (Actors Agents + Managers).

The Casting Director will have their thoughts and will want to see XYZ from your agency.

The agent will submit XYZ, then your agent will read the breakdown and submit other actors who they feel would be suitable for the role.

NOW ACTORS - do not get the shits with your Agent if you are not put forward for a role YOU think you are perfect for. Why shouldn't you get the shits, you ask?

Most of the time - you are not suitable for the role. '

--->Actor 👇👇

'But she got the audition and I didn’t”?! huh huh

Trust me, I’ve heard this time and time again.

The reason she got the audition is...

She may have been asked for via the Casting Director directly because they’ve seen her work (auditioned before.)
Or the submission breakdown is for a 5 foot 10 Comedic Actor and you’re 5 foot 4 and are a Dramatic Actor. (hey, Comedy is not your thing)
They’re looking for a black actor and you’re not.
They’re looking for an Asian actor and you’re not. 

Get the idea.

Now, if you have an agent that truly believes you’re right for the role BUT the Casting Director doesn’t want to see you, a good Agent (with some runs on the board - i.e have some talent currently working) can go ‘into bat for you.'

I did this once with one of my actors. I even drove down to the studio & walked into the office to hand over his tape. I had that much belief in him as an Actor and I knew he was right for the role.

Guess what?

He got it.

Hopefully, the Casting Director will trust your agent’s judgement.

However be aware Actor, that you may not be given the most welcome of auditions or you could be completely rushed.

So please be super prepared if your Agent has been able to get you in the room. Whatever you do, do NOT lay a bomb. This is the quickest way for that Casting director to NEVER see you again and for the Agent - YOUR AGENT to get a bad wrap. i.e. she hasn't a clue.

Hey, this is just the beginning.

-->The Casting Director then goes through every taped audition.

They’ll shortlist it from there.

So, you can see, as a Creator - Producer you must trust your Casting Directors judgement, otherwise, someone who’s perfect for the role could slip through the cracks.

The Call back!

This is when Actors start having panic attacks.

'OMG, I’ve been called back.'

Yes, this means, they like what you did and are potentially considering you for the role.

Hold UP! you along with maybe 5 - 10 - 20 other actors are being considered for the show | film. And before you ask, nope, most of the time you don’t know how many there are. I think it’s better not to know - sometimes.

A couple of things may happen with Callbacks.

It may just be you and the Casting Director with a reader. A reader is a person who is reading the other part so you’re not acting to anything or acting with the casting director which is so crazy because they’re recording you and trying to ‘Act’ the scene out at the same time.

OR - you will go to the Call Back and there will be the Director (cue---shit your pants). This is when you REALLY REALLY need to LISTEN to what the Director is asking of you as an Actor. If they want you to change it up, you wanna hope you can.

Now for the downer. 

The Director may 100% love you. You nailed the audition. You know you’re the ONE. The Director knows your the one, he even told you so.

But alas, you still don’t have the job.

Then the next step is … the worst one.

You walk into a panel of people (cue-- dry reaching or if unlucky you actually vomit) -

Low and behold, the Director, Producer, Creator even the Studio executive (the $$ folks) are all sitting there, analysing your every move.

In this scenario, if you’re at this stage of the process, you may well have the lead actor there for you to perform with, unless, you’re the one auditioning for the LEAD.

Cue...whole body feels like it's having an epileptic fit. Cue---- mind racing, it’s down to you and one other actor.
Now it's up to the lap of the Gods. Truly. There is nothing more you can do!

I suggest, go home and forget about the audition. Easier said than done.

Whatever you do, DO NOT grab a bottle of grog and start drinking. Your mind will start playing tricks on you.

The worst-case scenario. Your Agent rings you….. OMFG.. OMFG did I get it? I can’t breathe.

This is the worst part of being an agent. Having to break your Actor's heart.


Cue-bawling eyes out.

'But… (oh fuck, but! you say under your breath) your agent says positively’, the Director loves you, he wanted you for the role.

Yeah, I know!! he freakin wanted me for the role, he told me so.

‘But’ unfortunately, your agent continues. ‘The Producers or worse the Studio wanted the other person’.

Hang on though! Believe it or not, there is a silver lining with this scenario. That's for another article. 

Fork! Now, this is when the actor will hang up the phone and throw themselves on the bed and weep. (Well that’s what I usually did).

Best Case.


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